
In demand: Expertise in Marketing Automation



Wlliam J.Mock


February 24, 2023

Digital Marketing is becoming a thing of the past as more and more businesses want to explore the power of automating their sales and marketing processes.

A Statista report claims that the entire global marketing automation market size is expected to reach a revenue of 25.1 billion by the end of 2023.

This clearly shows the need to change with the times, adapt to new technology and upskill to develop an expertise in marketing automation, with the ever-expanding job market, like never before.

Let’s see why you must consider a career in marketing automation!

  1. Adoption of marketing automation by more businesses
  2. With businesses realizing great value and ROI from digital marketing automation tools, saving time automating their redundant manual tasks, aligning their sales and marketing teams with common goals, seeing better engagement with prospects and customers, closing more deals; more and more businesses are NOW exploring Marketing Automation and looking to do something beyond just the Digital Marketing.

    With “marketing automation meaning” trending on Google worldwide, it surely is creating a buzz world-wide.

    HubSpot’s State of Marketing Report 2022 found 35% of the marketers automating to streamline marketing and sales efforts, while 34% think it improves customer engagement and experiences. Moreover, 30% claim that the best reason to use marketing automation is to minimise manual tasks.

    With so many businesses (SMEs & MSMEs) adopting marketing automation for multiple reasons, it proves that marketing automation is picking up and how! Now it is only up to aspiring marketing automation experts to learn the skills and move with the trend.

  3. Skills in High Demand
  4. According to India Skills Report 2023, Automation and AI are two technologies that are changing the way organisations work. The report states that if students want to be employable in the future, they need to upskill themselves.

    With leaders looking for deep dive into the reports and analytics of marketing campaigns, so as to extract the best value out of their marketing budgets, there is a growing need for Marketing Automations platforms that help in bringing all data to one place, integrate all data sources for comprehensive reporting and show the complete big picture. And with that, of course the growing need for experts who possess expertise in using and implementing marketing automation platforms and tools optimally as these are definitely not a piece of cake.

    Demand for job seekers who can understand and implement Marketing Automation is expected to increase manifold in the future and becoming a marketing automation expert has become the need of the hour.

  5. Expanding Job openings
  6. With businesses realizing great value and ROI from digital marketing automation tools, saving time automating their redundant manual tasks, aligning their sales and marketing teams with common goals, seeing better engagement with prospects and customers, closing more deals; more and more businesses are NOW exploring Marketing Automation and looking to do something beyond just the Digital Marketing.

    With “marketing automation meaning” trending on Google worldwide, it surely is creating a buzz world-wide.

  7. Indispensable resource
  8. Ever felt that you should be valued more in your team? Did you want to add more value to the work you do and become an Indispensable person in the team?

    Learn the core of Marketing Automation Skills and become the Automation Specialist every company needs. This will help you to build a strong hold in the team and become indispensable.

    Even though companies are adopting marketing automation, when it comes to expertise it is still a niche skill. With CRMs and marketing automation tools evolving, there’s a growing need for experts who can leverage these technologies to their best possible extent. As every penny spent on marketing counts, the demand for Marketing Automation experts grows. It’s surely the right time to upskill and become indispensable.

  9. Lucrative Salary packages
  10. With more and more experts being needed, rising demand and of course not many experts available around, Marketing Automation jobs surely pay high. With starting salary packages ranging from 3 LPA to 17 LPA for different roles, based on expertise, experience, industry, etc. the Marketing Automation skills surely can help you take a big leap in your career.


    In the upcoming years, experts in the form of marketing technologists, MarTech specialists, marketing automation specialists and technology officers will become the most sought-after.

    A huge opportunity is waiting for all those who wish to harness the potential lying in the marketing automation industry.

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